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Cancel Booking



Cancel a users booking by unique id uid. A booking can only be cancelled once, and if successful, further cancellations return 200 OK with a cancellation_date as of the first attempt.


Path Parameters

    booking_uid stringrequired

    Unique id for this booking

Header Parameters

    x-access-token string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX
    x-api-user string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the client making this call.

    Example: AbC123DeF456GhI789JkL012
    x-api-key string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: XyZ456AbC789DeF012GhI345



    uid stringrequired

    A unique identifier for this booking in LetMePark database

    timestamp date-timerequired

    Date and time when the booking was made and billed for

    parking_name stringrequired

    The name of the parking

    lat float

    Possible values: >= -90 and <= 90

    The geo latitude of the parking

    long float

    Possible values: >= -180 and <= 180

    The geo longitude of the parking

    address string

    The address of the parking

    user_uid stringrequired

    Unique id for a user (with payment method).

    lmppid stringrequired

    The identifier for a parking offer

    start date-timerequired

    Starting time for this booking (defaults to now)

    duration int32required

    Possible values: >= 15 and <= 14400

    The duration of this booking in minutes (minimum 15, maximum 10 days)

    number_plate stringrequired

    Number plate without spaces (if different to normal vehicle for this user)

    car_brand stringrequired

    The brand of the vehicle for this booking (if different to normal vehicle for this user)

    car_model stringrequired

    The model of the vehicle for this booking (if different to normal vehicle for this user)

    actual_price numberrequired

    The actual price charged to customer for this booking (in EUR. Ie, actual_price = lmp_price + commission_price).

    commission_percent numberrequired

    The % percentage of commission charged to customer (0.1 = 10%).

    commission_price numberrequired

    The commission amount charged to customer (in EUR).

    lmp_price numberrequired

    The price LetMePark paid for this booking (in EUR).

    booking_ref string

    The booking reference from the parking provider

    support_phone string

    A phone number for support if there are any problems (phone + whatsapp)

    support_email string

    An email address for support if there are any problems.

    cancel_mn int32

    Minimum time necessary, in minutes, to cancel this booking (from the start time). If null or undefined then the booking cannot be cancelled.

    cancelled boolean

    Wether a booking has been cancelled

    cancelled_date date-time

    Date and time when the booking was cancelled

    voucher string

    Some parking providers send us a voucher with indications. Is an url that will download a pdf file

    access_code string

    Some parking providers send us an access code to enter the parking.
