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Find Parkings



Finds parkings either by geolocation (for locating parkings on a map) or in bulk (for downloading all parkings to search locally).

This is a search for parking locations, and related offers, however it does not include realtime availability. Pricing is shown, when available, as **BEST OFFER** for **FIRST HOUR** of stay.

This API requires authentication.


Query Parameters

    lat number

    Default value: 40.4235049

    Latitude in decimal coordinates for geolocation (ie 40.4235049, optional if you do not include the other coordinate or distance)

    Example: 40.4235049
    long number

    Default value: -3.6894324

    Longitude in decimal coordinates for geolocation (ie -3.6894324, optional if you do not include the other coordinate or distance)

    Example: -3.6894324
    distance integer

    Radius of search in metres (optional, to search on a map, defaults to 500, max 50,000)

    Example: 400
    pluscode string

    Return a parking filtered by pluscode.

    Example: 8CGRC8MF+C93
    type string

    Return only parkings used by a particular type (ie parking, uncovered, etc)

    Example: park&ride
    provider string

    Return only parkings used by a particular provider (ie parkia, elparking, etc)

    Example: parkia
    automated boolean

    Return only parkings with automated entrance and billing (defaults to null)

    Example: false
    bookable boolean

    Return only parkings that are available for online booking (defaults to null)

    Example: true
    limit integer

    Default value: 100

    Number of records to return (defaults to 100, 0 for everything)

    Example: 100
    offset integer

    Number of records to skip/offset (for pagination, defaults to 0)

    Example: 0

Header Parameters

    x-access-token string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX
    x-api-user string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the client making this call.

    Example: AbC123DeF456GhI789JkL012
    x-api-key string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: XyZ456AbC789DeF012GhI345



  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    A unique identifier for this parking (in pluscode format)

    name stringrequired

    The name of the parking

    address stringrequired

    The address of the parking

    country string

    The 2-letter country code where parking is located

    region string

    The region where parking is located

    lat floatrequired

    Possible values: >= -90 and <= 90

    The geo latitude of the parking

    long floatrequired

    Possible values: >= -180 and <= 180

    The geo longitude of the parking

    distance integer

    The distance from search coordinates (in metres, only if lat/long is provided)

    automated booleanrequired

    If this parking offers automated entries

    bookable booleanrequired

    If this parking can be booked via an API call

    best_offer float

    If available, BEST OFFER for FIRST HOUR stay in this parking (including 10% LMP commission)

    is_open_24h boolean

    If this parking is open 24 hours

    schedules string

    Parking schedule in one sentence

    capacity integer

    Parking capacity

    phone string

    Phone number of the parking

    email string

    Email of the parking

    country_long string

    Country where the parking is located

    services object[]

    List of services available in this parking

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    Possible values: [open_24h, elevator, video_surveillance, mobility_reduced, mobile_coverage, toilets, amazon_lockers, electric_recharge, car_sharing, car_rental, key_delivery, cash_payment, card_payment, atm, contactLess, motorcycle, first_aid, covered_parking, car_wash, taxi, family_car, city_car, battery_recharge, vending_machine, carsharing, security, repair shop, connection_public_transport, bicycles, locker]

    Name of the service

  • ]
  • entrances object[]

    List of parking entrances

  • Array [
  • latitude float

    Geographical latitude of the entry

    longitude float

    Geographic longitude of the entry in degrees East

    address string

    Address of the entrance

  • ]
  • images string[]

    List of parking images

    offers object[]required

    A list of offers available for this parking

  • Array [
  • lmppid stringrequired

    The identifier for this offer

    bookable booleanrequired

    True if this offer can be booked

    automated booleanrequired

    True if offer supports automated entry and billing

    first_hour float

    If available, cost for FIRST HOUR stay in this parking (including 10% LMP commission)

    booking_url string

    Url with the parking details from the provider of the offer

    rates object[]

    List with different prices according to the time of reservation ordered from lowest to highest price

  • Array [
  • time integerrequired

    Magnitude of the time unit

    unit stringrequired

    The unit of time. It can be day or hour

    price floatrequired

    Amount corresponding to the offer time (including 10% LMP commission)

    currency stringrequired

    Price currency

    friendly_name stringrequired

    Formatted time and time unit

  • ]
  • ]
  • schedule_formatted object[]

    A list of formatted open hours if is not 24 hours

  • Array [
  • day stringrequired

    Day of the week

    open stringrequired

    Open hour in format HH:mm

    close stringrequired

    Close hour in format HH:mm

    openPartTime string

    If has part time schedules second open hour

    closePartTime string

    If has part time schedules second close hour

    is_open_24h boolean

    True if is open 24 hours this particular day

    has_partTime_schedule boolean

    True if has part time schedules

  • ]
  • points_of_interest object[]

    A list with the points of interest near the parking

  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    Name of the point of interest

    distance_mts string

    Distance from the parking to the point of interest

    friendly_distance string

    Distance from the parking to the point of interest formatted

  • ]
  • ]