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Find Offers by Location



Finds best parking offer for a location (lat/long), at a given start time and duration.

This API checks both *price* and *availability* information from parking providers. Athentication is needed for rate-limiting.


Query Parameters

    lat floatrequired

    Default value: 40.4235049

    Geo Latitude where to search for nearby offers

    Example: 40.4235049
    long floatrequired

    Default value: -3.6894324

    Geo Longitude where to search for nearby offers

    Example: -3.6894324
    start date-time

    Default value: now

    ISO8601 timestamp when parking starts (Defaults to now)

    Example: 2024-06-01T12:00:00.000Z
    duration int32

    Possible values: >= 15 and <= 14400

    Default value: 60

    Parking duration in minutes (Defaults to 60, minimum 15, maximum 14400)

    Example: 60
    automated boolean

    Return only offers with automated entrance and billing (defaults to null)

    Example: false
    available boolean

    Return only offers that are available for online booking (defaults to null)

    Example: true
    locale string

    Default value: es

    Translates offer's messages (like access) to the selected language in ISO2 code.

    Example: es

Header Parameters

    x-access-token string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX
    x-api-user string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the client making this call.

    Example: AbC123DeF456GhI789JkL012
    x-api-key string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: XyZ456AbC789DeF012GhI345



  • Array [
  • lmppid stringrequired

    The identifier for this offer

    name stringrequired

    The name of the parking

    address stringrequired

    The address of the parking

    country string

    The 2-letter country code where parking is located

    lat floatrequired

    Possible values: >= -90 and <= 90

    The geo latitude of the parking

    long floatrequired

    Possible values: >= -180 and <= 180

    The geo longitude of the parking

    distance integer

    The distance from search coordinates (in metres)

    start date-timerequired

    Starting time for this parking offer

    duration int32required

    The duration of this offer (in minutes)

    expected_price float

    The expected price for this offer

    available boolean

    True if a booking can be made online

    automated boolean

    True if offer supports automated entry and billing

    access_msg string

    How to access the parking, any special instructions the user needs to know

    cancel_mn int32

    Minimum time necessary, in minutes, to cancel this booking (from the start time). If null or undefined then the booking cannot be cancelled.

    provider string

    Provider of this offer

    booking_url string

    Url with the parking details from the provider of the offer

    freeSpots number

    If some parkings we perform a real-time search for free spaces.

    rates object[]

    List with different prices according to the time of reservation ordered from lowest to highest price

  • Array [
  • time integerrequired

    Magnitude of the time unit

    unit stringrequired

    The unit of time. It can be day or hour

    price floatrequired

    Amount corresponding to the offer time (including 10% LMP commission)

    currency stringrequired

    Price currency

    friendly_name stringrequired

    Formatted time and time unit

  • ]
  • ]