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Bulk Remove Vehicles



Removes a list of vehicles for a user (filtered by number plate).

If no number plates are sent for filtering, it removes ALL vehicles for the user.

You may use the `x-batch` header if you do not want to wait for completion.

⚠️ WARNING: If removing and re-inserting your vehicles in bulk using `x-batch`, please wait 10s minimum between deletion (`DELETE /vehicles`) and re-insertion (`POST /vehicles`), to allow the first call to complete.


Query Parameters

    plates string

    Comma-separated list of number plates to delete (ie 0388VCP,8023GLV), without spaces. Leave empty to delete ALL vehicles.

    Example: 0388VCP,8023GLV

Header Parameters

    x-access-token string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX
    x-api-user string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the client making this call.

    Example: AbC123DeF456GhI789JkL012
    x-api-key string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: XyZ456AbC789DeF012GhI345
    x-batch boolean

    A header that specifies if the endpoint should return 202 Accepted immediately, instead of waiting for completion.

    Example: true



Response Headers
  • x-deleted integer

    Number of deleted vehicles
