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Bulk Replace Vehicles



Bulk-replaces all vehicles for a user and returns the list after modifications have been made.

This method replaces up to 10,000 vehicles, if you wish to use more please use "Bulk Insert Vehicles" (`POST /vehicles`).

You may use the `x-batch` header if you do not want to wait for completion.

⚠️ WARNING: Providers that are not sent in "listProviders" that were registered will be deleted and deregistered for that vehicle.


Header Parameters

    x-access-token string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: NgDvLMpPq.6AgfCvkP.YEWA3ZX
    x-api-user string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the client making this call.

    Example: AbC123DeF456GhI789JkL012
    x-api-key string

    Authentication header obtained from POST /authenticate that identifies the user making this call.

    Example: XyZ456AbC789DeF012GhI345
    x-batch boolean

    A header that specifies if the endpoint should return 202 Accepted immediately, instead of waiting for completion.

    Example: true



A list of vehicles for this user.

  • Array [
  • plate stringrequired

    Number plate for the vehicle. Uppercase, without spaces (ie 0388VCP)

    brand stringrequired

    The brand of the vehicle (ie Seat)

    model stringrequired

    The model of the vehicle (ie Ibiza)

    tag string

    Possible values: [0, C, B, ECO]

    The environmental tag for the vehicle (ie C)

    listProviders string[]

    Default value: ``

    List of suppliers with automatic access to register the vehicle. Those that were previously on the list and are not sent will be cancelled.

  • ]



  • Array [
  • plate stringrequired

    Number plate for the vehicle. Uppercase, without spaces (ie 0388VCP)

    brand stringrequired

    The brand of the vehicle (ie Seat)

    model stringrequired

    The model of the vehicle (ie Ibiza)

    tag string

    Possible values: [0, C, B, ECO]

    The environmental tag for the vehicle (ie C)

    listProviders string[]

    Default value: ``

    List of suppliers with automatic access to register the vehicle. Those that were previously on the list and are not sent will be cancelled.

  • ]